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News & Events

March 7th, 2024

Easter Egg hunts are part of the Easter tradition ~ and if there are children in the home of your employer it can be great way to amuse them. Below we have some really useful ideas to help you organise an Easter egg hunt. Write five/or more (the number is down to you to decide) […]

January 29th, 2024

Many employers make use of Bank holidays for different purposes; for going away, for holding functions in the home for family members who normally work.  So that you, as domestic staff, are aware of the dates when you can be extra helpful, we have listed these dates below. Monday 1st January – New Year’s Day […]

January 29th, 2024

The standard calendar which is used by most people around the world is called the Gregorian calender. A Leap year happens ever four years and has an extra day to the normal 365. This extra day is always February 29th. But for it to happen the century need to be divided by 400 so leap […]

January 29th, 2024

It’s Winter With Muddy, Dirty Shoes, Getting Scuff Marks Off The Floors Few things can mar the appearance of a clean floor like a scuff mark. Winter time is the worst, so how do you remove scuff marks from your floor? We have looked at cleaning options for two different types of flooring. Wood Avoid abrasive […]

December 15th, 2023

When you are asked by your Principals’ children if they can sing some Christmas carols, are you having to think very hard for the titles?  To help the thinking along here are a list of perennially  popular carols that easy to sing and appeal to all ages. If you don’t know the words or music, […]

December 15th, 2023

Sitting down in front of the television around Christmas time, watching some classic films that appeal to a range of children’ s ages is a great way to keep everyone happy and occupied.  There are many new films available but we thought we would take a look at some traditional films that stand the test […]

December 15th, 2023

Make your own Sock Puppets. Actually great fun for Children and Adults.  Get the puppets singing songs. Everyone says one Christmas word, now each player (or pair) has to make up a song using all those words in any order Scrabble Card games Monopoly Charades   Make your own Christmas crackers. What you will need: Toilet roll […]

August 29th, 2023

I Am Sick Long -Term But They Can’t Sack Me Can They?  If you have been off sick long-term you might think that you cannot be sacked…but you are wrong!  Your employer DOES indeed have the right to sack you while you are off sick long-term. There are however certain procedures which have to be gone […]

August 29th, 2023

Important Paid Leave Changes On The Way   As the majority of domestic staff are women and many of you have families, a major change to Paternity paid leave has now been agreed that may well affect you, your friends or colleagues.  The changes are to Paternity Paid Leave and are as follows:  Currently paternity leave […]

August 29th, 2023

Summer Holiday Time Is Over Is It Time For A Change?  Whether or not you took a summer holiday, or saw others enjoying the opportunity while you worked, for many it is now time for a change.  If you, or friends of yours, have this on your mind, the best starting point is to look around […]

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