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News & Events

June 26th, 2023

Understanding Your Contract As an employee, you, friends and colleagues should all have a written contract. It is important because it helps you understand your role, your responsibities and general rules of behaviour so that you do not make mistakes through misunderstanding. For the same reason it is important that if your job, or parts […]

June 26th, 2023

Holiday Pay Change For Some Staff Perhaps you or a colleague is sometimes –  or always – paid on a casual work basis, perhaps fluctuating seasonally. If so there is an important change to holiday pay soon to take effect. Forwarding this article to any colleague or friend in this situation may help them understand […]

June 26th, 2023

When The Heat Is On The Met Office issued it’s first ever red weather warning last year as a series of heatwaves swept across the UK. In one location, the thermometer registered 40.3 C, a new record, and such heat waves are set to continue. Many employees like yourself are asking, “what is the maximum […]

May 22nd, 2023

Tattoo Taboo  Despite the huge growth in tattoos in the UK the issue is still subject to controversy. If you are considering having a tattoo, we thought it would be helpful to know the legal and social implications. If you already have a job in the domestic or household sectors and already have a tattoo […]

May 22nd, 2023

In Caring Rules Are Rules A care worker sacked by a charity for giving two paracetamol tablets and a hot water bottle to a woman with dementia has been awarded more than £17,000 for unfair dismissal. However, the award had been reduced by 33% from £25,771 to reflect the fact that the claimant’s conduct contributed […]

May 22nd, 2023

Stealth Tax? Not My Problem! Take-home pay for most people fell by almost £1,500 last year as a result of tax increases and rising inflation, figures show. The average worker is worse off in real terms than a decade ago despite rise in gross earnings, according to calculations by the House of Commons library. Workers […]

April 27th, 2023

New Maternity Rates, So How Does The System Work? Every April, the Maternity Leave allowance set by the government is reviewed and generally increased. But what does it all actually mean to you, a colleague or a friend who becomes pregnant? How does it work? As this month sees the new rate for Statutory Maternity pay […]

April 27th, 2023

Bank Holidays In May There are three bank holidays in May this year but for many there is an additional day which many will regard as important…and may want to take the extra time off. The first bank holiday is Early May Bank holiday is tomorrow, May 1st, followed by May 8th to celebrate the […]

April 27th, 2023

On The Move? It is estimated 47% of employees across the board are expected to be looking for a new job in 2023. Does this include you? That is an incredibly high figure and the main reason given by 43%  of those questioned was the desire for more money. The figures come from top end […]

March 23rd, 2023

Big Changes In Sick Pay From 10th April 2023, statutory sick pay (SSP) rates will  change for staff who are paid the legal minimum sick pay. Until now the rate for SSP has been £99.35 a week Statutory Sick Pay for up to 28 weeks. It  becomes payable from the fourth day you have been […]

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