Just because you are used to them, doesn’t mean they are not potentially dangerous.
As a member of domestic/household staff, you will be used to using cleaning chemicals on a regular basis. But no matter how normal this procedure is, you should never forget that many cleaning products in the home, garage or shed are potentially dangerous and should be treated accordingly.
The issue was recently brought under the spotlight when a company’s health and safety advisor failed to assess and manage risks from handling materials which led to an employee contracting allergic contact dermatitis.
So how can you keep yourself safe?
Lets take a look at some sensible procedures as well as some recommended by the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive which can be useful to you:
First always read the instructions for use.
Wear appropriate clothing, chemical resistant rubber gloves, perhaps a plastic apron protecting the chest and lower body areas, appropriate shoes (sandals and no socks won’t protect you from a cleaning product spillage).
Ensure you have appropriate cleaning up materials with you in case of spillage.
Ensure all chemicals are properly stored
Do not mix chemicals in the thought that you might enhance their effectiveness (THIS CAN BE LETHAL)