New Care Home Deaths Statistics
We all expect the standards of care homes to protect our ageing relatives but new figures cast doubts on that.
The Office For National Statistics has released figures which show a sharp rise in the number of deaths in hospitals and care homes.
Death registration data shows that between 2008 and 2016, among men over the age of 85, the number of deaths rose by 177%. The rise among women has been smaller but is still
significant – up 72%. These figures are for England and Wales.
The trend is linked to the ageing population and doctors say the increase in deaths which is outstripping the growth in numbers of people aged over 65 is a cause for alarm.
Falls can lead directly to someone dying when they bang their head and suffer a bleed on the brain, or develop pneumonia after lying undetected on a floor, or break their hip and do not recover.
There is an alternative to a residential care home for ageing relatives however – a carer in the person’s own home, either full-time or visiting. The benefits, where this is possible, are many: The relative stays in their own home, in an environment they know, retaining friends and contacts.
At The Graham Agency we have been meeting the needs of clients requiring a full range of domestic and household staff, including carers, for over 30 years. Before you choose the care home option, speak to us.
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