Not All Perfect At The Top-
It is human nature to expect that at the top of the tree where prices are highest, highest quality is a given. But a recent report shows that with nursing homes it is not always the case.
The report by the Care Quality Commission examines homes across the country, and found that even in the UK’s wealthiest areas, there was room for improvement in some homes
They found that in Kensington and Chelsea in west London, 75 per cent of nursing homes required improvement. Westminster in central London, the second most affluent, had a 50 per cent rate of inadequate homes.
The case was far worse in many areas, to the extent that in some parts of the county three quarters of nursing homes were failing, while overall 30% requiring improvement or were inadequate.
Increasingly, those requiring such care and their relatives are looking for alternative routes. One such option is the provision of skilled, experienced carers providing care within the home of those requring care.
At The Graham Agency we have been meeting the needs of clients requiring a full range of domestic and household staff, including carers, for over 30 years.
Before electing to choose a nursing home, speak at to us.
The Graham Agency, keeping you informed