Shared Parental Leave Extended To Grandparents
This month, May 2018 sees the first consultation of extending shared Parental Leave to Grandparents.
The move to further extend Shared Parental Leave in this way was floated by Chancellor George Osborne earlier in the year.
Shared Parental Leave was introduced for parents of babies due on or after 5 April 2015. This permitted mothers to cut short maternity leave to allow their partner to share their leave. However currently the right to shared parental leave is limited to the mother’s partner.
Usually the child’s father, it can also be the mother’s partner if there is an enduring family relationship. However, at present other relatives, including grandparents, are not included in the Shared Parental Leave regime.
The Chancellor’s plans would extend shared parental leave to grandparents allowing mothers to share maternity leave with one nominated working grandparent. His view was that it would help keep childcare costs down.
The consultation starting this month will put forward options for streamlining the Shared Parental Leave system, including simplifying the eligibility requirements and notification system.”
Watch this space.
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