Social Media Guidance For Staff. Update.
It has become patently obvious just how powerful are today’s social media platforms. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat etc can all play a part in conveying both information and views.
And that’s the issue.. they are both popular and powerful. As a result it may well pay employers to stipulate in the Contract of Employment for employees, what they cannot post.
Because the use of social media has become so widespread and commonplace as a tool for chatting with friends and colleagues it quite possibly would not even occur to users that they may be crossing a line.
Therefore, an idea well worthy of consideration is to spell out where that line lies, in terms of what employees cannot post to social media about their employment.
The following guidelines may be of assistance; what their work entails, details of your property and contents, holiday arrangements and other absences as well as photographs of your family, especially children. You can also rule out the posting of negative comments on aspect of their work and their employers.
If you are in the process of recruiting a new employee then these aspects should be written into their contract of employment.
If however, you are now wishing to revise an existing contract of employment, then there are legal rules which have to be followed.
The employee would have to agree to the changes.
You should:
- consult or negotiate with your employee(s)
- explain the reasons for changes
- listen to alternative ideas from your employee(s)
- Once you have agreed on changes with staff you need to:
- update the terms of employees written statement of employment conditions
- write to them within a month to tell them exactly what has changed.
- It is a changing world, and changes bring new challenges, ensure you are ready to meet them
As always in legal issues, the above is given as general guidance and we would always recommend seeking the advice of an appropriate professional before taking any action
The Graham Agency, keeping you informed.