This Could Be The Year YOU Are On The Road To A New Job
This could well be your big year as an employee in the domestic/household world. New research shows that this year is going to be the big new job search year.
According to the organisation ‘Investors In People’ more than half of workers in the UK could move to a new employer. That is a big 8% up on last year 2019.
The workplace accreditation body found that 24% of workers are actively looking for a new role, while 32% are considering a move.
The survey revealed that almost two-thirds of employees go to bed on Sunday night feeling dread about going to work the next day.
Also up 10% on last year, is the figure of those unhappy in their work role, with the total now at 25%. 77% are stressed at work.
There were three main reasons for looking for a new job.
Top of the list was money. Second main reason was not feeling valu
Third reason given was to achieve a better work-life balance.
It is telling that 14% of employees said that a “thank you” would encourage them to stay in their current position.
Your first step towards getting that new better paid job is to come and talk to us. We have the jobs you are looking for.
The Graham Agency, working with you.