Yes or No? That is the question!
If your domestic staff ask for a salary increase, would yes or no be your immediate response? Actually it is better not to go down either route.
Perhaps “OK, let’s talk about this” is a better response. While your second thought may be “How much”, again probably a better response may be “Why”.
The request could well be for a number of reasons: “My friends are being paid more” or ”I haven’t had a pay rise in over a year” or “I have family issues and could really do with something extra” or myriad other reasons.
It’s important to know the reason in order to consider the request as you may feel that a particular reasons deserves more merit than others.
In terms of “Why”, many experts in human resources recommend asking the employee why they feel they deserve an increase, perhaps in terms of how well they are carrying out their job, or taking on tasks not initially involved.
Once you, as the employer, understand the reasons behind the request you are better placed to respond with an appropriate answer.
If the request is valid it may be worth taking into consideration the following: a well-performing member of staff who is satisfied and appropriately rewarded is more likely to stay with you.
Food for thought.
The Graham Agency, looking you informed.