All Change In The Care Sector
If you are in the care sector or have friends who are, you will be interested to know that regulations requiring care workers to be vaccinated against Covid were lifted from 15 March in England.
The government’s view is that things have changed since the policy was made in preparation for a tough autumn and winter. However, it says the UK population now has lots of immunity to the virus thanks to vaccines.
Additionally, many people have recently caught and recovered from the Omicron variant, which has been less severe than Delta.
The government said in a statement: “With the population better protected and lower levels of hospitalisations and mortality, it was right to revisit the balance of risks and benefits that had guided the government’s original decisions.” The vast majority of NHS, social care and other healthcare staff have been double-jabbed. However, ministers say those working in health and social care who remain unvaccinated still have a professional responsibility to get vaccinated.
A further change to overall Covid-19 aspects should come in on April 1st as it marks the end of free universal testing in England.
The Graham Agency, working with you.