Pandemic Stress And You
What are the chances that you have, or are suffering from stress as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic? Statistically it is quite likely that you may be, but are just carrying on.
But sometimes it helps to have a reference to see what the effects of such stress are on your mental health and ability to cope with situations.
So we have compiled professional reference checks that you can make on your self with feedback from the Mental Health Foundation.
Check these out, and IF you feel that you have been affected in one or more of these ways, talk to your doctor, and maybe to your boss.
So what are some of the main signs and symptoms?
Feeling of constant worry and anxiety
Feeling of being over whelmed
Difficulty concentrating
Mood swing and changes in mood
irritability or having a short temper
Difficulty relaxing
Low self esteem
Eating more or less than usual
Changes in sleeping habits
Using alcohol, tobacco or drugs to relax
Aches and pains, particularly muscle tension
Diarrhoea and constipation
Feelings of nausea and dizziness
Feelings of constant worry and anxiety
The Graham Agency, working with you.